They made Brussels

The tour Celebrity Brussels takes you to meet the Brusseleirs. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the known and the unknown,… All those who have made Brussels since Brussels has existed until today.
Get to know the most important Brusseleirs, without whom nothing would be the same. Because what makes Brussels, above all, are the people of Brussels !
Cost : Voluntary – Duration : 2 hours – Reservation recommended


The tour Celebrity Brussels takes you on the trail of some emblematic characters who have marked the history of the city (for good or ill).
Thus, during a pleasant walk out of the classic circuits, you will get acquainted with the dikkeneks (loudmouths), the zwanzeurs and kweebus (crazy, twisted) of History …
The characters presented are very varied and eclectic :
- Audrey Hepburn
- Stromae
- André Vésale
- Bonom
- Madame Chapeau
- …

Cost : Voluntary *
Duration : About 2 hours
Group max : 20 people
Meeting point : Place Poelaert (at the Memorial), 1000 Brussels
End : Next to Place Fontainas
Private tour on demand in english, dutch, french and spanish
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Still doesn’t work ? Just call us : +32 472 39 82 17 or email us : info@brusselsbyfoot.com
* Voluntary cost, what does that mean?
It means that you decide the price you pay, fully aware of different things:
– The experience you’ve just had;
– The professionalism of the guide and the quality of the tour;
– The support you want to give to the project.
What do we do with the money we receive?
– We pay the fixed costs (taxes, advertising, web hosting, …) ;
– We pay ourselves;
– We develop new projects, visits, new activities;
– We drink beers, of course 😉
… “Voluntary cost” does not mean “free” ! As sadly we have our bills to pay.
More info on the philosophy of free and conscious pricing here (just in french, sorry)