We are looking for independent guides who speak Dutch and/or Spanish

Description of the company
Created at the end of 2018, Brussels by Foot is a small company offering alternative guided tours. The aim is to help anyone who wants to discover the real Brussels of the real Brusseleirs (foreign, Belgian or even Brussels tourists). If you are interested in the project and would like to work as a guide with us, then you’ve come to the right place!
So far Brussels By Foot offers 2 different tours (soon 3), each one is given every weekend in French, English, Dutch and, for private groups only, Spanish. We can also create tailor-made tours for groups who ask us for it. The objective of this new position is to reinforce our team of Dutch speaking guides (composed of only one guide so far :-P). Candidates must be self-employed or be affiliated to the SMart in order to be able to invoice.

Job description
The tasks are those of a guide, and a little more:
– To guide 2 to 3 visits per week (often on weekends). The frequency can vary according to demand;
– The visits last 2 or 3 hours and the size of the groups can vary between 3 and 25 people according to the demand;
– Sometimes a little prospecting or preparation (Flyering, reservation of places for gastronomic visits,…)
– Responding to punctual requests from clients and organizing private experiences.
– Sometimes a bit of communication: encoding of advertisements on leisure sites, creation of advertising campaigns,…
NB: This is not a job with a fixed timetable or salary.

Qualifications required
– Perfect Dutch or Spanish speaker (another language is an asset);
– Comfortable speaking in public, with a voice that carries;
– Have easy contact with all types of public;
– Flexibility, availability, rigour, reliability;
– Knowledge of the History of Brussels and having a few good jokes in reserve is an asset !
– Any experience in group animation, guiding, performing arts, declamation, theatre, communication, marketing,… can be useful.
How to apply ?
Your application must include :
– 1 CV
– 1 short cover letter
Send it, to the attention of François Ghislain, to : For any questions or requests for information, use the same address.